crack blunting

英 [kræk ˈblʌntɪŋ] 美 [kræk ˈblʌntɪŋ]

网络  裂纹钝化



  1. Analyzing the blunting process at crack tip and the form of blunting line in J-integral test, results indicate that the slope of blunting line in current standard is too low to obtain valid data for highly tough metals.
  2. It is considered that the crack blunting process of each several material is different and that the blunting equation depends on the dissimilarity in strength, ductility and strain hardening behavior of the materials.
  3. The effect of temperature on impact fracture toughness was a result of the joint effect of tan δ loss with crack tip thermal blunting.
  4. It turns out that crack closure is the main reason for retardation, and crack tip blunting, crack deflection and strain-induced martensite would reinforce it.
  5. Two kinds of crack blunting mechanism a new form of blunting line
  6. Two kinds of crack blunting mechanism
  7. The overload effects were controlled by various factors such as crack blunting, residual compressive stress ahead of the crack tip and crack closure induced by wake zone plasticity.
  8. On the basis of experiment and research efforts, the paper points out that the growth of elastic-plastic fatigue crack ( EPFC) is a course of alternate crack-tip blunting, initiating and stable growth. The growth mechanism is of the mode of energy or strain accumulation.
  9. In situ TEM technique was employed to observe the influence of lamellar structure on the crack propagation in duplex TiAl alloy. It has been found that both crack tip blunting and crack propagating have connected with the angle included between crack growth and lamellar direction.